Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, can be a painful condition that affects shoulder range of motion. This blog reviews what frozen shoulder is, the three progressive stages of the condition, risk factors and how physiotherapy treatment can help. The physiotherapists at Break Free complete a detailed assessment including thorough history to determine whether your shoulder may be impacted by this condition as well as provide the appropriate evidence-based treatment.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

How to Prevent Reinjury with Snow Shoveling

This blog presents some tips to help reduce reinjury or causing an injury while snow shovelling. You can modify the way in which you are shovelling, the actual shovel you are using, as well as warming-up your muscles beforehand! Check out this blog for more tips and how a Physiotherapist may be able to help you if you are in pain!

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

A Physiotherapist’s Experience: Back pain and Half-marathons

Physiotherapist, Corey Kim, at Break Free Physiotherapy, recounts how he completed a 2nd half-marathon after his struggle with chronic low back pain. He reviews some things to look for to figure out if your pain is helpful vs harmful as well as some thoughts on other factors that impacted his pain. If you’re struggling with lower back pain and hoping to get back into an activity, such as running a half-marathon, check out this blog for some tips as well as a story from a Physiotherapist with low back pain.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

How did I injure myself?

Have you ever had an injury but just brushed it off as if it was nothing, only to experience symptoms months later? Do you have a lingering issue but not sure how you injured yourself? This blog reviews some different reasons as to why your injury may have occurred as well as ways in which to prevent injury in the future.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

What are the Best Physiotherapy Exercises for Lower Back Pain?

Experiencing lower back pain and wondering what the best exercises are for you? What exercises to avoid? This blog reviews some common exercises for the lower back and provides some tips on when to do the exercises and when not to. Skilled physiotherapists at Break Free Physiotherapy can determine which specific exercises may be best for you to aid in your recovery.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Can Dry Needling Help My Lower Back Pain?

This blog reviews dry needling and the impact it can have on lower back pain. Dry needling or intramuscular stimulation (IMS) is a technique that we use at Break Free Physiotherapy in London, Ontario to help reduce tension in muscles and relieve compression on nerves. It can help to reduce feelings of constant tightness in muscles as well symptoms related to nerve compression like tingling and numbness in your legs. Check out this blog to learn more about dry needling and how it can help your lower back pain!

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

My back hurts, is it my SIJ?

Experiencing lower back pain but not sure if it’s your SIJ? Been told your SIJ is out and you have ongoing pain? This blog dives into the sacroiliac joint, aka you SIJ, potential causes of pain as well as different areas where the pain may be coming from. This could include your lower back, hip or the SIJ itself. Our physiotherapists at Break Free are trained to find the source of your pain and provide you with the correct exercises to reduce your pain and help you reach your goals.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

What to do with a Shifted Spine

Have you had a lower back injury and now your spine is shifted? Your shoulders are going one way and your hips the other way? Are you experiencing pain or tingling down one of your legs? It sounds like you may have a lateral shift. Physiotherapists at Break Free can help you to reduce the shift, reduce your pain, and get you moving again through MDT or the use of repeated movements.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Finding the Source of Your Pain Using MDT

This blog reviews more details on MDT or Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. We want to find the source of your pain to help with further self-management and treatment of your injuries. MDT is a framework that helps us do that and determine whether the spine is the source of your pain. Our physiotherapists at Break Free are trained in MDT and will help you reach your goals and get back to doing what you want to do!

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Why do I have knee pain?

Experiencing nagging knee pain? Not sure how it started or what is causing it? This blog reviews different sources of knee pain including the lower back. Your knee pain may be from actual structures around the knee itself like tendons, ligaments and muscular imbalances; however 25% of knee pain may be from the spine. Our physiotherapists at Break Free can help you determine where the knee pain is coming from and how to treat it!

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Tarra’s Top 10 Tips for Healthy Aging

This blog focuses on healthy aging! We are all getting older but what if we could optimize the way that we age. Tarra D’hoine, Physiotherapist at Break Free, presents her top 10 tips for healthy aging including doing an activity that you love to stay active, strengthening your muscles and bone, and working on your balance!

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Low Back Pain from Squats

This blog reviews different reasons as to why you may have low back pain from squatting and how you can address this. One of the common culprits is lack of hip range of motion or tightness in the hips. Physiotherapists at Break Free complete comprehensive assessments to determine where your low back pain with squats may be coming from and what specific exercises may help.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Back Pain From Lifting Your Baby

Have you been experiencing back pain from lifting your baby or toddler? This blog reviews factors that could contribute to your lower back pain as well as ways in which to modify your positioning and posture while lifting to help reduce the back pain.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Shoulder Pain that comes from the neck

Have you experienced shoulder pain but you have no idea how you injured your shoulder? Is the pain inconsistent but seems to be impacted by different positions? Your shoulder pain may be coming from your neck. This happens in about 50% of shoulder pain cases. An assessment completed by one of our movement specialists at Break Free Physiotherapy will help determine where the source of your pain is and the best exercise to help you get back to being pain-free.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Running With Inside Ankle Pain

If you’ve ever experienced pain on the inside of your ankle, this blog is for you. Especially if it is limiting you from activity or completing your daily tasks. This blog reviews different causes of inside ankle pain as well as provides some tips to help reduce your ankle pain. This blog has some tips for runners that are training for distance running but are experiencing pain on the inside of their ankle. Physiotherapists at Break Free provide comprehensive assessments in order to determine the source of your pain and the best solution.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Half Marathon Training after a Lower Back Injury

Physiotherapist and Co-owner at Break Free, Corey Kim, describes his training plan for the half-marathon he completed earlier in October 2023. Corey sustained a severe lower back injury years ago and was unable to run. He recounts key points that he has learned throughout his half-marathon training in order to run the 21km after sustaining a low back injury.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Case Study #1: Low Back Pain

This is the first post of our case study series. It focuses on a specific presentation of lower back pain that we often see at Break Free Physiotherapy. It reviews common characteristics as well as provides direction in terms of seeking physiotherapy.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

Pain in the neck!

Neck pain can be a challenge and can impact so many things in your daily life. This blog reviews many different causes of neck pain as well as how physiotherapy at Break Free can help you with your neck injury.

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Alex Stubbs Alex Stubbs

8 Causes and Risk Factors of Lower Back Pain and Leg Tingling/Numbness

When faced with lower back pain and leg tingling/numbness, seeking professional help is crucial to effectively manage and address the underlying causes. A physiotherapist, also known as a physical therapist, is a healthcare professional who specializes in restoring movement and function to the body. With their expertise in musculoskeletal health, a physiotherapist can play a vital role in alleviating lower back pain and leg tingling/numbness. Let’s explore how they can help.

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