Shoulder Pain that comes from the neck
Have you experienced shoulder pain but you have no idea how you injured your shoulder? Is the pain inconsistent but seems to be impacted by different positions? Your shoulder pain may be coming from your neck. This happens in about 50% of shoulder pain cases. An assessment completed by one of our movement specialists at Break Free Physiotherapy will help determine where the source of your pain is and the best exercise to help you get back to being pain-free.
Pain in the neck!
Neck pain can be a challenge and can impact so many things in your daily life. This blog reviews many different causes of neck pain as well as how physiotherapy at Break Free can help you with your neck injury.
My Thoughts on Using the McKenzie Method (MDT)
The McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (MDT) is an awesome way to find the source of your problem through repeated movements and objective testing. An exciting part of this treatment is the potential to rapidly reverse your condition; this includes rapidly changing your range of motion, decreasing your pain and accelerating the return to activities you love.
Centralization vs. Peripheralization
Centralization and peripheralization are characteristics that help predict the outcome of a condition. Specifically, these characteristics provide us with more information about how treatment for your neck or back pain is progressing, and an estimated timeline for recovery.
Preventing Pandemic Posture Pain
Since the pandemic, we’ve had many clients come in with neck pain from sustained sitting positions while working from home. Break Free wants to share some ways to keep your neck mobile and stay healthy!
The McKenzie Method
Have you had a lingering injury or pain that you have not been able to resolve with stretching or different therapies? What’s going on with my body? The McKenzie Method may have the answer to your problem! This blog briefly reviews some key points about the McKenzie Method of Diagnosis and Therapy and how it may help you.